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2015-04-28 14:15     (点击: )


职称 教授(博士生导师)

系部: 数学系

办公室 数学系312

Email wuwm@amss.ac.cn


社会兼职: 重庆市数学会常务理事

研究方向: 算子代数、泛函分析

主讲课程: 高等代数、泛函分析、算子代数


  1. W. Qian, J. Shen, W. Shi, W. Wu*, W. Yuan, Surjective L^p-isometries on Grassmann spaces, Science China Mathematics, 2023, 66(9), 2105-2118.

  2. W. Qian, Z. Xiang, W. Wu*, X. Yi, Surjective L^p-isometries on the set of rank 1 idempotents, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 2023

  3. L.Cui, L. Huang, W. Wu, W. Yuan, H. Zhang, On cleanness of von Neumann algebras, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 2022, 509, 125969.

  4. W. Qian, L. Wang, W. Wu*, W. Yuan, Wigner-Type Theorem on transition probability preserving maps in semifinite factorsJ. Func. Anal., 2019, 276(6), 1773-1787.

  5. D. Hadwin, J. Shen, W. Wu, W. Yuan, Relative commutant of an unbounded operator affiliated with a finite von Neumann algebra, J. Oper. Theo., 2016, 75(1): 209-223.

  6. W. Wu, W. Yuan, A Remark on Central Sequence Algebras of the Tensor Product of II_1 factors, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 2014, 142(8): 2829-2835.

  7. W. Wu, W. Yuan, On Generators of Abelian Kadison-Singer Algebras in Matrix Algebras, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2014, 440: 197-205.

  8. W. Wu, W. Yuan, The crossed product von Neumann algebras associated with SL2(R), Taiw. J. Math., 2010, 14(4): 1501-1515.





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