职称: 三级教授
系部: 数学科学学院 应用数学系
办公室: 数学学院楼529室
Email: wgruihhu@163.com
社会兼职: Mathematical Problems in Engineering期刊编辑
研究方向: 微分动力系统、偏微分方程、分数阶微分方程
主讲课程: 常微分方程、高等数学、线性代数
[1] W. Rui, B. He, Y. Long, C. Chen, The integral bifurcation method and its application for solving a family of third-order dispersive PDEs, Nonlinear Analysis, 2008; 69(4):1256-1267.
[2] W. Rui, The integral bifurcation method combined with factoring technique for investigating exact solutions and their dynamical properties of ageneralized Gardner equation,Nonlinear Dynamics 01/2014; 76(2). DOI:10.1007/s11071-013-1226-8.
[3] W. Rui, Different kinds of exact solutions with two-loop character of the two-component short pulse equations of the first kind, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 10/2013; 18(10):2667–2678.
[4] W. Rui, Z. Zhu, Mixed function method for obtaining exact solution of nonlinear differential-difference equations and coupled NDDEs ,Applied Mathematics and Computation 05/2010; 216(5):1501-1512.
[5] Weiguo Rui, Yao Long, Bin He, Some new travelling wave solutions with singular or nonsingular character for the higher order wave equation of KdV type (III), Nonlinear Analysis 06/2009; 70(11):3816-3828.
[6] Weiguo Rui, Bin He, Yao Long, The binary F-expansion method and its application for solving the ( n + 1)-dimensional sine-Gordon equation, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 04/2009; 14(4):1245-1258.