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2018-04-02 11:52     (点击: )



职称 教授

系部: 数学系

办公室 数学系210




研究方向: 同调代数理论

主讲课程:抽象代数、《高等代数》、 《同调代数理论》、《导出范畴》


  1. Chunxia Zhang, Finiteness conditions and relative singularity categories, Acta Math.Sin.(Engl.Ser.) 38(8): 1436-1446, 2022.

  2. Chunxia Zhang, Gorenstein projective dimensions of complexes under base change with respect to a semidualizing module, Bull. Korean Math. Soc., 58(2): 497-505, 2021.

  3. Chunxia Zhang and Li Liang, Avramov-Martsinkovsky type exact sequences with Tor functors, Acta Math.Sin.(Engl.Ser.) 33(11): 1569-1577, 2017.

  4. Chunxia Zhang, Zheng Li, Relative (co)homology of F-Gorenstein modules, Bull. Iranian Math. Soc. 42(4): 891902, 2016.

  5. Xiaorui Zhai, Chunxia Zhang, Cartan-Eilenberg projective, injective and flat complexes, Czechoslovak Math. J. 66(141): 151-167, 2016.

  6. Chunxia Zhang, Limin Wang and Zhongkui Liu, Ding projective modules with respect to a semidualizing bimodule, Rocky Mountain J. Math. 45(4): 1389-1411, 2015.

  7. Chunxia Zhang, Relative and Tate cohomology of Ding modules and complexes, J. Korean Math. Soc., 52(4): 821-838, 2015.

  8. Zhang Chunxia, Liu Zhongkui, Rings with finite Ding homological dimensions Turk. J. Math., 39: 3748, 2015.

  9. Zhang Chunxia, Wang Limin , Liu Zhongkui, Gorenstein homological dimensions of complexes with respect to a semidualizing module Comm. Algebra, 42(6): 2684–2703, 2014.

  10. Liu Zhongkui, Zhang Chunxia, Gorenstein injective complexes of        modules over Noetherian rings, J.Algebra, 321: 1546-1554, 2009.


  1. 主持国家自然科学基金青年项目,“相对于半对偶模的Gorenstein同调维数理论”(no. 11401475, 201501-201712.

  2. 主持国家自然科学基金天元项目, 相对于半对偶模的Gorenstein同调维数与覆盖包络理论(no. 11326061), 201401-201412.

  3. 主持重庆市科技计划项目,“复形范畴中相对于半对偶模的Gorenstein同调理论”(no. cstc2017jcyjAX0298), 201707-202006.

  4. 主持重庆市自然科学基金面上项目,“导出范畴中的相对同调理论”(no. cstc2021jcyj-msxmX0048), 202110-202409.


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