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2024-05-16 09:02     (点击: )


职称 教授

系部: 应用数学系





担任中国电子学会电路与系统分会(混沌与非线电路)专委会委员;担任重庆市科委自然基金项目评审专家;担任Information Sciences, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, Applied Mathematics and computation, Nonlinear DynamicsSCI期刊审稿人;中国密码学会和中国计算机学会的会员; 国际电子技术与信息科学工程师的协会会员(IEEE Member)。

研究方向: 类脑计算、混沌保密通信

主讲课程: 高等数学、系统科学导论


1. Zhou S, Wang X, Zhang Y. Novel image encryption scheme based on chaotic signals with finite-precision error. Information Sciences, 2023, 621:782-798. (中科院1区)

2. Zhou S, Qiu Y, Qi G, Zhang Y. A new conservative chaotic system and its application in image encryption. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2023,175:113909. (中科院1区)

3. Zhou S, Qiu Y, Wang X, Zhang Y. Novel image cryptosystem based on new 2D hyperchaotic map and dynamical chaotic S-box. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2023,111: 9571-9589.


4. Zhou S, Zhao Z, Wang X. Novel chaotic colour image cryptosystem with deep learning. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2022,161:112380. (中科院1区)

5. Zhou S, Wang X. Identifying the linear region based on machine learning to calculate the largest Lyapunov exponent from chaotic time series. Chaos, 2018, 28,123118. (中科院2区)

6. Zhou S, Wang X, Wang Z, Zhang C. A novel method based on the pseudo-orbits to calculate the largest Lyapunov exponent from chaotic equations. Chaos, 2019, 19(3): 033125.  (中科院2区)

7. Zhou S, Wang X, Wang M, Zhang Y. Simple colour image cryptosystem with very high level of security, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2020, 141: 110225. (中科院1区)

8. Zhou S, Wang X, Wang M, Zhang Y. Simple colour image cryptosystem with very high level of security. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2020, 141: 110225. (中科院1区)

9. Zhou S, Wang X, Zhou W, Zhang C. Recognition of the scale-free interval for calculating the correlation dimension using machine learning from chaotic time series, Physica A, 2022,588: 126563. (中科院2区)

10. 周双,吴志友,杨志春,赵克全,向长合. 一种基于邻近轨道演化的新混沌系统的图像加密方法, 2023. (授权发明专利)






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