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2024-07-12 08:55     (点击: )


姓名  刘喜富

职称 副教授

系部: 应用数学系

办公室 533


Email lxf211@cqnu.edu.cn





社会兼职: 重庆市工业与应用数学学会秘书长、中国高等教育学会教育数学专业委员会理事

研究方向: 矩阵与数值代数、张量分析

主讲课程: 高等数学、线性代数、概率论与数理统计、随机过程


  1. Xifu Liu, Jianxing Zhao, Sharp Bounds for the Smallest M-eigenvalue of an Elasticity Z-tensor and Its Application, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, 47(4) (2024) 119.

  2. Xifu Liu, Haiyan Lv, Calculation for all D-eigenvalues of a diffusion kurtosis tensor, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 20(9) (2024) 2971-2979.

  3. Xifu Liu, Dongdong Liu, Yaping Shi, Perturbation bounds for the largest C-eigenvalue of piezoelectric-type tensors, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, 46(6) (2023) 194.

  4. Xifu Liu, Changxin Mo, Calculating C-eigenpairs of piezoelectric-type tensors via a Z-eigenpair method, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 426 (2022) 127124.

  5. Xifu Liu, Norm-preserving dilation theorems for a block positive semidefinite (definite) matrix, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 70(22) (2022) 7770-7777.

  6. Xifu Liu, Shuheng Yin, Hanyu Li, C-eigenvalue intervals for piezoelectric-type tensors via symmetric matrices, Journal of Industrial & Management Optimization, 17(6) (2021) 3349-3356.

  7. Xifu Liu, Le Luo, Minimum rank positive semidefinite solution to the matrix approximation problem in the spectral norm, Applied Mathematics Letters, 107 (2020)  106408.

  8. Xifu Liu, Minimum rank Hermitian solution to the matrix approximation problem in the spectral norm and its application, Applied Mathematics Letters, 98 (2019) 164-170.

  9. Xifu Liu, Hermitian and nonnegative definite reflexive and anti-reflexive solutions to AX=B, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 95(8) (2018) 1666-1671.

  10. Xifu Liu, The eigenvalues and eigenvectors of nonsingular tensors, similar tensors and tensor products, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 66(9) (2018) 1717-1725.

  11. Xifu Liu, Wen Li, Hongxing Wang, Rank constrained matrix best approximation problem with respect to (skew) Hermitian matrices, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 319 (2017) 77-86.



1. 国家自然科学基金地区基金:Löwner偏序下矩阵方程的不等式约束解以及矩阵不等式的数值解的迭代算法,2017.01-2020.12,主持

2. 国家自然科学基金数学天元基金,一类Hermitian型矩阵不等式方程的研究及其应用,2015.01-2015.12主持。

3. 重庆市自然科学基金面上项目,基于非线性共轭梯度算法下的矩阵方程与矩阵不等式的半正定数值解的研究,2018.07-2020.12,主持。

4. 重庆市自然科学基金面上项目,总体最小二乘问题的Hermitian解与半正定解的研究,2021.10-2024.09,主持。

5. 重庆市教委青年项目,秩约束下矩阵逼近问题的半正定解与Hermitian解的研究,2019.01-2020.12主持。

6. 重庆市教委青年项目,随机张量模型的理论及其应用,2021.10-2024.09,主持。



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